Authentic Greek street food

After meandering through the picturesque city streets of Utrecht, we stumbled upon a small shop called “Dimitri Petit”. Attracted by the strong smell of the big pot stewing outside and the growling in our tummies, we decided to take a look.

We settled for a Pork Gyros bowl and a meal kit with the meat we saw on the outside. We also grabbed a spinach pie as a snack for later. The wait was short no more than five minutes and we were allowed to take a seat on the terrace of the greek restaurant next door (likely both share the same owner).

The food looked and tasted great. The meat was crispy and flavourful, the tzatziki was delicious and the pita was probably the best pita we ever had. The vegetables where just ok though, we thought because of their position in the bowl they got a tad too soggy for our taste.

The service also left a bit too be desired because of the lack of language skills (even when we spoke in dutch). However they still got all out requests correct.

We recommend this place to any fan of greek food or anyone wanting some delicious roasted meats and happens to be in Utrecht.

Note: 9/10

Review by Diogo Baptista


As authentic as it can get